Christ Church Episcopal is a century-old diverse and inclusive urban Anglo-Catholic parish active in the Diocese of East Tennessee and the worldwide Anglican Communion. We are an open community, walking in the way of Jesus while serving others, engaging with an ever-changing world, and living a faith that is timeless, thoughtful, and compassionate.
Lent and Holy Week at Christ Church Episcopal
Shrove Tuesday (3/4) 5-7pm
Join us for pancakes and breakfast food before the start of Lent.
Ash Wednesday (3/5)
Said Mass with imposition of ashes: noon.
Sung mass with imposition of ashes: 6pm.
Mondays in Lent 5pm
We will gather for dinner and discussion about how the church has read the Scriptures through the ages. Childcare and dinner provided.
Wednesdays in Lent
Tea and Cake 3pm.
Stations of the Cross 5pm.
Mass 5:45pm.
Holy Week
The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday (4/13)
10:30 AM: Blessing of the Palms, Procession, and High Mass
Holy Monday (4/14)
6:00 PM: Said Mass
Holy Tuesday (4/15)
7:00 PM: Tenebrae
Spy Wednesday (4/16)
6:00 PM: Said Mass
Maundy Thursday (4/17)
6:00 PM: Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Agape Meal, & Watch
Good Friday (4/18)
12:00 PM: Veneration of the Cross & Mass of the Presanctified
3:30 PM: Children’s Liturgy & Hot Cross Buns
Saturday: The Great Vigil of Easter (4/19)
8:30 PM: The Great Vigil
The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day (4/20)
10:30 AM: Solemn High Mass, Rite II
Sunday Service
We meet every Sunday morning at 8, 9:15 and 10:30.
We gather at 8 AM for a said Rite I mass in the Lady Chapel.
Our Adult Education is at 9:15 AM in Fox Hall.
We gather for a sung mass with music and incense at 10:30 AM.
We have refreshments after mass in Fox Hall. The second Sunday of the month is a potluck meal.
We are offering live streams of services on our Facebook, Sundays at 10:30 AM.
Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost (9/22): 8AM (spoken) and 10:30AM (full with music) service.
The Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels (9/29): 8AM (spoken) and 10:30AM (full with music) service.
The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost (10/06): 8AM (spoken) and 10:30AM (full with music) service.
The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost (10/13): 8AM (spoken) and 10:30AM (full with music) service.
The Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost (10/20): 8AM (spoken) and 10:30AM (full with music) service.
The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost (10/27): 8AM (spoken) and 10:30AM (full with music) service.
All Saints’ Day (11/03): 8AM (spoken) and 10:30AM (full with music) service.
The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (11/10): 8AM (spoken) and 10:30AM (full with music) service.
The Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (11/17): 8AM (spoken) and 10:30AM (full with music) service.
Join our Facebook group to read and share prayer requests.
Request for Bids for Historic Restoration Project
Sunday Adult Education
We are currently exploring a range of topics during our Adult Education time. We are experimenting with moving to a parish meeting model where our gathering can be a time for serious discussion and engagement with current issues, Biblical perspectives, and our faithful responses.
Wednesday Bible Study: Gospel of Mark
Our next Bible Study meeting is January 24, 2024. We will begin to study through the Gospel of Mark together.
Christ Church’s Second Quarterly Reminder
Christ Church’s Second Quarterly Reminder is here! Take a moment to look over our second edition: The Reminder will be produced four times a year to keep us up to date about the goings on in the parish. Please feel free to send any article ideas, announcements, or photos to Fr. Will to be included in future…
Reminder: Closed on Thursday, July 4th
The Christ Church office will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2024 to observe Independence Day.
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