We’re glad you found us! Our hope is that you will more fully experience the presence of God in your life as you worship with us and continue your spiritual journey here at Christ Church. You are invited to participate fully in the life of this community: worship, study, and serve others in a variety of ways!
Newcomers Ministry
Let us buy you a cup of coffee and get to know you better! Our Newcomer’s Ministry is full of friendly folks who would love to learn more about you and what brings you to Christ Church.
What is an Episcopalian?
The Episcopal Church strives to live by the message of Christ, in which there are no outcasts and all are welcome. Walking a middle way between Roman Catholicism and Protestant traditions, we are a sacramental and worship-oriented church that promotes thoughtful debate about what God is calling us to do and be, as followers of Christ.
The beauty of the Episcopal tradition is that it is open to questions and new possibilities, as well as ancient teachings. Imagine a spiritual practice that is both grounded in tradition and open to new possibilities.
The Diocese of East Tennessee
Christ Church is a member of the Diocese of East Tennessee. The Diocese comprises 34 counties in East Tennessee and three counties in North Georgia. The Rt. Rev. Brian L. Cole is the fifth bishop of East Tennessee.
Become a Member
Interesting in learning more about Christianity or the Episcopal Church?
We periodically have newcomers classes, both for those new to the Episcopal Church and those new to Christianity as a whole. Contact the parish office or the rector to discuss these and/or the sacrament of Baptism or Confirmation.
Already baptized?
In the Episcopal Church, you officially become a member of a particular parish when you have your previous parish/church send a ‘letter of transfer’ to us. If you do wish to provide a letter of transfer, please ask your former parish to send your letter to our office, or you can contact our church office for more information.
If you are coming from a tradition other than the Episcopal Church, please contact us.
It’s important for you to know that you are welcome at everything Christ Church has to offer, no matter what – a letter of transfer is not required.