November at Christ Church
Upcoming Events
Feasts in November
All Saints’ Day
November 1st – 9 am
All Souls’ Day
November 2nd – 7:30 pm
St. Cecilia, Martyr
November 22nd – 9 am
St. Andrew, Apostle
November 30th – 9 am
Other Events
Annual Parish Meeting & November Vestry Meeting
November 21st – Noon
If you would like to attend the Vestry Meeting via Zoom please contact the office.
Confirmation Classes
Wednesdays at 7:30 pm, beginning November 10th
Regular Services
8 am – Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:15 am – Adult Education
10:30 am – Holy Eucharist, Rite II
6:00 pm – Project Canterbury Evening Prayer
Monday – Thursday
9 am – Morning Prayer & Mass
2nd: Betty
4th: Hillary S.
5th: Heather
11th: Alice S.
15th: Rosemarie
16th: Robert S.
19th: Valerie
22nd: James S., Phoenix; Adam B.; Alex B.
30th: Henry M.
A Note from Fr. Will
All Saints and All Souls mark a turning point in the year. Traditionally the Book of Common Prayer ceases to name Sundays as ‘after Trinity’ and now marks them as ‘before Advent.’ We are no longer looking back to Pentecost or to Trinity Sunday but, instead, we are looking forward to Advent, to Christmas, and the lengthening of days. The rest of the natural world we find in winter does not exactly translate into a time of rest within the life of the parish. We have our Annual Meeting, our Stewardship season, Confirmation classes, and the election of new Vestry members.
The fallow time of winter will be a time of preparation for the blooming of spring. I want to encourage you to pray and to ponder how you might find yourself in that preparation and in that springtime growth to come. Will you come along to Confirmation classes to refresh yourself on the basics of our faith? Will you stand for Vestry so you can get your hands dirty tending the garden of our parish? Will you pledge to give this year to help that garden grow in spring? My prayer is that you will take up at least some of those invitations. They may all seem like small things but, as All Saints and All Souls remind us, they are also the places where our contributions to the future of the communion of the saints begin.
This time of Sundays before Advent can and will be a holy time for us as we make our preparations for what is to come. It is in these weeks that we choose what part we are going to play in welcoming the Christ child and so what we are planting for the weeks, months, and years ahead of us. These Sundays before Advent mark a time before the joyous work of the holidays begin like a deep breath before the start of a long-awaited performance.
Stewardship season is nearly upon us. If you would like to get a head start on pledging for next year, visit or call the office at (423) 266-4263
Confirmation classes will begin on November 10th ahead of the Bishop’s visit on the 2nd of January. Classes will be held in church and via Zoom at 7:30 pm. These classes will prepare confirmation candidates and are a great opportunity to review the basics of the Christian faith. Please contact Fr. Will or the office if you would like to be involved.