January Outreach Project: Board Games!
One of the clubs at Chattanooga Charter School of Excellence needs board games. The club meets bimonthly to play, and students develop skills in creating strategies and solving problems while they have fun. They had been loaned some games, but those were returned when the owner moved away. These are middle school students, so games for ages 12 and up will be appropriate.
Games need not be new. Clean out your closets and see what you find! If you have no games to offer, we will be glad to shop gently used or tax-free for you. Make a donation to Christ Church Outreach and designate it for Games.
If you have games to give, you can bring them to Christ Church: leave them in the Narthex, or drop them by the office. For other arrangements, please contact parishioner Jennifer Holdaway, School Counselor at CCSE, at jennholdaway@hotmail.com