July’s Collection Saturday
Thank you so much for your participation and generosity on June 12th! We collected 17 backpacks, 39 water bottles (14 will go to CCSE, the rest to Community Kitchen), 7 hats for the Kitchen, and 45 items for our porch pantry.
As we mentioned last Exsultet, our July outreach focus will be purchasing school uniforms for 14 specific students in need. Please bring a donation by on Saturday or give online today and mark your donation “Outreach, Uniforms”. We thank you in advance. If you want to sponsor a student (two outfits each, to make laundry feasible), the cost is $86 for a boy and $78 for a girl.
As for our own porch pantry, we need soups, canned meats (chicken and tuna are popular), and small jars of peanut butter. Right now, we are seeking items in humidity-resistant packaging, and pop-tops are helpful. Everything we put in the pantry is taken quickly. Choose something you would like to receive!
Collection Saturday YTD (2 months): 17 backpacks, 39 water bottles, 75 hats, 311 grocery items, $50 donation.
Shopping List for July
For Chattanooga Charter School of Excellence:
- Donations for School Uniforms (Costs are $86 for a boy and $78 for a girl, but any amount helps!)
For Christ Church’s Porch Pantry:
- Pop-top stew or soup
- Canned meats and beans (chicken and tuna are popular)
- Single-serving canned fruit
- Small jars of peanut butter