
A Note from the Senior Warden

Greetings from the Vestry. This devoted group of individuals have been meeting regularly, and we have great news to share.

The Invite, Welcome, Connect initiative is in full swing. You now see information cards in the narthex and greeters each Sunday. Recently you probably saw some familiar faces that have been away for a time simply because they were invited to worship with us. We continue to build these connections with our newcomers, those in the neighborhood, and longtime parishioners alike.

Last month, the Vestry met with our Diocesan Canon to the Ordinary, Michelle Bolt, for our first Mutual Ministry Review (MMR). As many of you know, Fr. Will has a three-year contract as our Priest-in-Charge. The purpose of the meeting was a check-in, not a performance review, to assess how we have progressed with our developmental goals and how we all intend to move forward as a parish. I must say that we had a productive conversation. We have taken excellent strides forward in the most challenging circumstances, such as a global pandemic, economic constraints, etc. We have the utmost support of the Diocese as we take our next steps toward calling Fr. Will to continue his service with us.

Mark your calendars for Friday, September 29th for an epic concert commemorating the Silver Anniversary of our Richards-Fowkes organ. Dr. Keith Reas promises to impress us as our guest organist. He is no stranger to Chattanooga and has a passion for this particular instrument. A delightful reception will follow.

In these dog days of summer, let us not forget Stewardship season is right around the corner. You likely received your quarterly pledge statement this week. If you are like me, it provided a gentle reminder it is time to catch up on your pledge. We are looking for some energetic volunteers to help us kick off the fall campaign. If you are interested in serving on the Stewardship Committee, please reach out to Fr. Will or me.

While I don’t normally promote sitting in the back of the nave, if you haven’t seen the refurbished pews, please check them out. They are now structurally sound, and look brand new, but there are many more pews in need of attention. If you want to help with this project, you may find details here.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention one of the most moving recent services at this parish – the dedication of the Memorial Garden in honor of Fr. Harry Lawerence. This event brought in friends far and wide to celebrate the countless contributions to the community this man and his family have made.

This is an exciting time to be a part of Christ Church. We welcome our guests. We love our families. Our liturgy is unsurpassed. Our clergy, organist, and parish administrator are passionate about this place and committed to our success. Our best days for this parish are ahead of us, and I’m grateful we can all move forward together.

God bless you all!
Troy Eichenberger