Sunday Adult Education
At our meeting this Sunday we will continue to engage with and investigate the issue of housing and gentrification in Chattanooga. We will begin the process of looking at some specific examples where these issues come to light so that we can begin to reflect on how our faith connects with this vital issue. Please join us in person or via Zoom at 9:15 on Sunday morning in Fox Hall. Donuts and coffee will be provided.
For those who would like to read something ahead of time here is a brief article by one of the pioneers of the parish meeting model, Alan Ecclestone: The Parish Meeting.
A form for suggesting topics for discussion is here:
Sunday mornings at 9:15, we meet in Fox Hall, or you can access our meeting online by any of the following methods:
1. Click here –
2. Go to, click “Join Meeting” & enter Meeting ID: 912 9783 7526
3. On your cell, call (312) 626-6799 and enter Meeting ID 912 9783 7526#