The 2nd Sunday of each month is our monthly Pot Luck!
To celebrate the holiday season, our December Potluck will be an event that is more of a party than our usual lunch affair! After the 10:30 service, the church will provide meatballs and several beverages, and we ask that you bring your favorite appetizer or dessert to share! The focus of these monthly events is fellowship, and everyone is invited to come together, whether you bring food or not!
If you need to keep your food hot, the oven and warming drawers will be turned on before the church service. The refrigerator or freezer are always available for anything needing to stay cold. If you need a chaffing dish for the buffet table (3 available), or if you would like to help with setting up beforehand, or cleaning up afterward, please text or call Susan Brooks at 706-820-9290.