
Author: Parish Admin

We had a lot to show for our two hours in the cool shade for our first Collection Saturday. For MetMin, you brought us 144 rolls of toilet paper, plus 3 family-sized jars of peanut butter. Ben and Ginger Sanzo delivered the donations last Monday, and the folks at MetMin were thrilled to receive them, reporting that the needs in our community continue in their upward spiral. For the Bethlehem Center, you shared 19 huge boxes of cereal plus $50 for milk

On Saturday, May 14, a few members of our Outreach Committee will be in the Christ Church parking lot from 11 am until 1 pm, sitting at our umbrella table. Eagerly, we will be awaiting other parishioners (you!) bearing gifts of toilet paper and nonperishable food that we will be sharing with two of our ministry partners–MetMin and The Beth–as well as our own front porch pantry

Lent begins on the 2nd of March this year. We will have a number of opportunities to slow down in anticipation of Easter and to recenter our faith once more on Jesus Christ. Our focus at Christ Church will be creating times to work on those holy habits of prayer, Scripture, and sacrament and to dwell in Christ’s presence.

Our December effort to raise money for the Children’s Nutrition Program of Haiti did not work as we had hoped. As we reflected on that at our February meeting, we realized that December had a lot going on, and our Fox Hall publicity was probably not seen by many parishioners. In conjunction with Black History Month, we are trying again. Please make a donation to CNP Haiti, and we will request that your money be used to buy Plumpy’Nut, the

Our focus in the next few weeks will be a series of sermons from African-American leaders in the Episcopal Church. Absalom Jones and William Douglass were the first two rectors of the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in Philadelphia. Jones established the church in 1792 after splitting from a Methodist Church and was ordained priest by William White, the Presiding Bishop.

One of the clubs at Chattanooga Charter School of Excellence needs board games. The club meets bimonthly to play, and students develop skills in creating strategies and solving problems while they have fun. They had been loaned some games, but those were returned when the owner moved away. These are middle school students, so games for ages 12 and up will be appropriate. Games need not be new. Clean out your closets and see what you find! If you have no

This past Sunday’s Adult Forum welcomed Bishop Brian Cole, who led our small group along with Fr. Will in exploring what it means to be a disciple of Christ in today’s changing social climate. As he does with each annual visit to our Adult Ed gathering, Bishop Cole engaged us in thought-provoking discussion, suggesting that COVID has brought the church not only a challenge, but also an opportunity. While East Tennessee churches have been struggling with attendance and funds, this unprecedented