Christ Church’s Second Quarterly Reminder
Christ Church's Second Quarterly Reminder is here! Take a moment to look over our second edition: Christ Church Reminder 2Download The Reminder will be produced four times a year to keep us up to date about the goings on in the parish. Please feel free to send any article ideas, announcements, or photos to Fr. Will to be included in future editions. We are happy to mail physical copies out as well. Please email or call Anna, our parish administrator, to let us know if you,
Important Announcement
Starting next week on July 29, office hours will change to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 11am - 3pm. Anna, our parish admin, will be out of the office on Tuesday, July 30th and return Thursday, August 1. (11am - 3pm)
Reminder: Closed on Thursday, July 4th
The Christ Church office will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2024 to observe Independence Day.
LinkedIn Account for Parish Administrator
Follow Christ Church parish administrator's LinkedIn account if you're interested. There will be more activity on this account from here on out! LinkedIn Account
Christ Church Quarterly Reminder
The Christ Church Reminder has returned! Please take a moment to look over our latest and first edition: Christ-Church-Reminder-1Download The Reminder will be produced four times a year to keep us up to date about the goings on in the parish. Please feel free to send any article ideas, announcements, or photos to Fr. Will to be included in future editions. We are happy to mail physical copies out as well. Please email or call Anna, our parish administrator, to let
A Note About the Parish Administrator
Hello everyone! My name is Anna Olson and I am the parish administrator for Christ Church of Chattanooga. My working hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 10 AM - 4 PM. Feel free to call or email me anytime within those hours (no funny business though). I would love feedback from anyone and everyone concerning the website and Exsultet. Here is a link to a google form to fill out some content suggestions or general ideas for the Exsultet and
Request for Bids
Christ Church Parish of Chattanooga, Tennessee will accept electronically submitted quotes until April 30, 2024 for the Historic Christ Church Episcopal Restoration Project located at 663 Douglas Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403. Christ Church Parish reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, to waive any formalities and informalities in the proposals received, and to accept any proposal which in its opinion may be in the best interest of Christ Church Episcopal. Bid specs may be obtained from: Stefanie Haire 423-785-6668 The project must be
A Note from the Senior Warden
Changing colors on the trees. Shorter days. Crisp mornings. Yes, autumn has arrived! This is my favorite season of the year. Walks in the woods, squash and pumpkin foods galore, life begins to take a pause as we approach All Saints and All Souls. This is a time of reflection on the greatness of God’s bounty. We also give thanks for all our gifts from the last year. In the calendar of the church, it can only mean that it’s
A Note from the Senior Warden
Greetings from the Vestry. This devoted group of individuals have been meeting regularly, and we have great news to share. The Invite, Welcome, Connect initiative is in full swing. You now see information cards in the narthex and greeters each Sunday. Recently you probably saw some familiar faces that have been away for a time simply because they were invited to worship with us. We continue to build these connections with our newcomers, those in the neighborhood, and longtime parishioners alike. Last